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Curry paste - with ginger

Curry paste - with ginger

90g jar (3oz)


A great way to give a lift to ALL your cooking. Used traditionally to flavor rice dishes, you can enjoy it on pasta, baked potatoes, meat and fish dishes. Our favourite: monkfish cooked with coconut milk and our curry paste.


Oignon, curry (9%), huile de tournesol, gingembre (4%), vinaigre, sel, ail, curcuma, piment.

Déclaration nutritionnelle pour 100 g  (en gr)
Energie en Kcal 143
Energie en Kj 598
Matières grasses  9,21
dont acides gras saturés 1,17
Glucides 10,22
dont sucres 3,25
Protéines 2,72
Sel 2,5
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